"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

poetry, rain....and a reason

last night it rained...the drops made noises on our roof and I grabbed my camera, raced outside hoping to capture the moment. It rained all night & is still raining. lovely soaking rain.

The plants are sighing with relief. I am sure I can actually hear them. This rain is good as on the weekend, I was planning on mulching heavily again so I will be able to trap this moisture in.

haven't been doing a whole lot - I started a collage and also an altered book and then tried my hand at haiku - ooh, how hard is that? Mine are definately not ready to be leashed upon the unsuspecting blogging world, that is for sure. I admire those of you who take part in the haiku challenge! I was never really interested in poetry in highschool, gee, I wish I had listened to my teacher now. But I will keep on trying ~ it actually soothes me when I am trying to create a haiku, so I guess that is a good thing.
Otherwise, I have alot of ideas going on in my head, some lovely ideas for totes ! - was thinking of selling on etsy and I know all of you encouraged me, but do I want to put myself under pressure? because I will, I know it. I was going to start selling on the next full moon, so I will just see what happens.

I went to see a naturopath yesterday, seems my adrenals are over worked - ha! At least the adrenals explain why I am so tired, exhausted and teary. It was good to sit down with someone and tell them all about how I was feeling & be able to be 'poor me' without feeling guilty & then be told the reason why I am feeling like I am. It all makes sense. I am now taking a foul tasting herbal tonic as well as having to cut down on cups of tea! gawd. I also have to take some me time each day - to sit somewhere or take a walk and just be. by myself! I know I have to get myself back into my healthy lifestyle and I will. 2007 is the year to do it!


Sheila said...

Glorious rain...I'm happy for you, as I know how badly needed it is.
Considering you have been watering the garden by hand, it looks very good, from what I can see of your photos.
Did I hear you say'cut down on tea'..?
Uh oh..!

Carole Burant said...

Oh I'm sooo glad you are finally getting some rain...no wonder your garden is now smiling:-) Glad you were able to go see a naturopath...my mom use to see one on a weekly basis for a few months and he really helped her out a lot. It is indeed so important to have "me" time every day. I heard that you're my "funky sock" partner...Carmen wanted everyone to receive their socks by Valentine's Day but even by airmail it will probably take a month for my parcel to reach you! Mail between Australia and Canada is veryyy slowww! lol Lord knows what kind of socks I'll end up getting you but it will be fun looking for something special for you:-) Hugs xoxo

KaiBlue said...

Rain is wonderful..soft and gentle..wet and wild.. I think all Australia is singing it's praises right now.. :)
I'll have a cuppa with you :)
Peace, Kai.

Heather said...

Yea!! I know how much you have all needed it. The pictures you took are so nice.

Janet said...

Rain!! That's wonderful. Plus a naturopath....even more wonderful! I'm glad you're finally taking some time for YOU. With all the other things you do it's nice to see you put yourself first once in awhile. 2007 will be the year of healthy lifestyles! Me, too!!

tlchang said...

I second all the other comments - hooray for the rain! There's nothing like it when you need it. And I'm glad you have been given 'permission' to take time for yourself! Do it. It can make all the difference in being able to stay grounded, centered and serene...

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

AH Rain, happy tears from heaven that spread the land with its glory on a land in such great need. I'm sure your garden IS sighing with relief.
"ME" time is essential and will give you time each day just to gather your thoughts.
I wanted to add also that when I read about you wanting to make totes I actually said OMG out loud - as that is exactly what I have been working on ideas for.
I am like you though, I don't like putting pressure on myself.

Anonymous said...

I am so very happy you are finally getting the rain you need. I bet all the flowers were just sighing with relief.

Here is to hoping that 2007 will be better for us all. Hang in there my friend.

Sending you lots of hugs,

J C said...

Lovely rain. I have a love/hate relationship with it; living in a sub-tropic area you can understand why. Everything grows TOO fast! And too much rain brings mold and mildew. But I love it anyway! I'll hold off on the shark's teeth til you find out more from your postal office.

Suzie Ridler said...

Robyn, only do as much as you want for Etsy (if at all). Don't pressure yourself. Put one item up a week at the most if you need to take your time. Or wait until you have a bunch of things and then sell them off. Do it your way, the way it works, if you do it at all.

I hope you're feeling better soon. I'd love to hear what tonic would help adrenals, mine were burned out when I was a kid!

Thank you so much for my fantastic doll, she arrived and I am so excited about it I can hardly contain my joy. She's so lovely and will help me, I just know it. Thank you for your generous birthday gift my friend, you are one of my greatest treasures.

Annie Jeffries said...

I ran directly to google for adrenal info. interesting and explains alot for so many women. good for you to have an answer.

Love the pictures of the garden at night in the rain. Very moody and atmospheric.