"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

destroying the 'past' ?

simple abundance suggests having an illustrated discovery journal. I started one last year & I still love looking through the pages. However tearing up much loved magazines to fill the journal is difficult. Not sure why. I have about 7 years worth of UK Country Living - all piled up on a bookshelf. Each one absolutely gorgeous. Gorgeous pictures and articles. I will be like that old lady who had wall to ceiling magazines - like some kind of weird insulation. Narrow hallways with books for walls. Maybe oneday it will draw people to Woodford. A maze of magazines. Where they sell teaspoons & tea-towels ... where people take you through a guided tour, telling of the history of the mad woman of Woodford (me).
I wonder why I can't bring myself to rip into them? I have been trying so hard to do it - sitting for hours, looking through each one to see if I must keep them. I have only been able to rip a few.

I guess it stems from childhood conditioning when my dad refused to let me rip up the set of encylopedias. Or any book for that matter.I needed some pictures for various projects but no, I wasn't allowed. I inherited those encylcopedias and I would not let my children destroy them either. They are now about 45 years old - and only just last year when I started playing collage did I allow myself to take some bits from them. What is the point in keeping them? Every piece of information is probably obsolete anyhow. Gee, man hadn't even landed on the moon!

Last week while ripping into the magazines that I had hoarded, I came across some gorgeous photos that I thought would look good for a background. I took some words as well and made this in my journal.

I seem to always use the same photo of myself, I guess because the look on my face says it all.


Sheila said...

What does that look in your face say to YOU..Perhaps if you could devine that it would answer some of your other questions. Do you remember that day, and do you remember how you felt ?
You look very sweet and self conscious, but what was going through your mind..?
I have been buying old books and magazines to cut up, because like you I can't face cutting up the ones I have saved

vicci said...

I have that problem too Robyn...with cutting up old magazines...I finally forced myself to do it though! I love the journal page...and that look on your face is soooooooo cute!

vicci said...

I have that problem too Robyn...with cutting up old magazines...I finally forced myself to do it though! I love the journal page...and that look on your face is soooooooo cute!

Janet said...

How funny! I wrote about being a crazy old woman in a houseful of magazines just last week! We can get crazy together! I love the journal page. I haven't started mine yet. But it's on my ever-growing list of things to do.

Daisy Lupin said...

I am also going to be a crazy old lady with magazines and cats, and cats will pee on the magazines and I won't care, I discussed this with Janet the other week. Robyn, I also have six crates of old Country Living and I would never dream of cutting them up every so often I love to flick through a few, so snap again Robyn, another similarity. I have cut soem other country interior magazines up but never Country Living.

Carole Burant said...

Hmmmm I guess we're all gonna turn into little old ladies in houses full of magazines! lol I'm another one who can't quite seem to get myself to cut into all my country and decorating magazines! Love the collage you made for your journal. Hugs xox

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I have to say I was like that until in my wee home the magazines were taking up precious space. The majority at that time were US Country Living (oh yes, you heard me)...AND some other decorating magazines. One weekend we had a yard sale and I put them out with a 'free' sign. A lovely gal came by and was so excited...she was walking so I filled a large beach tote with magazines and gave the lot to her. She walked away saying I'd increased my good karma. Sometimes necessity takes over. Sadly I could use them now for collage - but then again would I? hmmm.
you are not alone in this magazine thing Robyn..
Anyway, long comment to finally say I really like your collage.

Gill said...

Robyn, your journal page with you as a little one "searching" is so amazing!
The Simple Abundance journal exercise is fantastic,so therapeutic.
It is interesting to see what state of mind you were in formerly, don't you think?

Lila Rostenberg said...

I'm doing my 10th illustrated discovery journal...or something like that. (How embarassing is that?) I find myself purloining images from any available printed matter. I have torn out pages of pomegranties and red shoes, peonies, roses...
I like your journal page very much. It is a sweet and spirited little girl in the photo.
Now I have some time off to start my newest illustrated discovery journal, that is if I can leave the computer....

Suzie Ridler said...

What a gorgeous collage and I love that you use a picture of yourself and that it is the same one, over and over again Robyn. How very special you are.

Tinker said...

I love that look on your face! You're adorable - great journal page.

Though I can cut into magazines with abandon - I do have a hard time cutting into 'books' don't know why - 'cause I know I was always getting in trouble for drawing in them when I was a kid!

A bird in the hand said...

I go through magazines, tear out what interests me, put it all in big file folders, and hey presto! I can see the floor again!!!!!!

Great page, hon!

Anonymous said...

I love the journal page! I have no problem cutting up magazine's but cannot cutup books. Do you know anything about copyright issues? I've been wondering about this, is it OK to use magazine/book images, but you cannot photo copy them?? I guess it doesn't matter if you use them for your own work but if you sell it?? I've been putting this out there and see what people say.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful journal page.

Anonymous said...

Dear Robyn,
You know I felt the same way about tearing up a magazine. My mother just taught me to take very good care of things. My things were always in perfect condition...ripping them apart made me a little nervous.

Take care,

Rosa said...

I can see not ripping the encyclopedias, they were expensive back them! But mags? I know, I have the first couple of years of Martha Stewart, every one but the very first. I save them. For what? I have no idea. Now I look at the mags and tear what I need then toss. Otherwise, I end up with my bedroom looking like it did before, just a big ol' dust collecor!! hehe. But Country Living, that is tough. I found some old ones under my bed that I will be going through this week and seeing what I need to keep out of them. So glad you visited! xoxo

Lisa said...

Pretty journal page. I'd love to go to a junk auction like the one you've shown below!

Sherri Williams said...

I love the journal page. I have a magazine problem too. One day DH was helping to clean up the bedroom and he threw away a magazine of mine. I cried. It was one my favorite and yes, I had newer ones but STILL! He was so upset that I was upset. I doubt if he ever touches another magazine of mine, even just to move it over, again.

katie said...

what a beautiful little girl you are and lovely background and i love here standing on flower petals. maybe is there are pages you'd love to use in collage but just can't bring yourself to tear them out you could scan them.

Tammy said...

I love magazines too! There are lots that I kept specifically to use in collage, but I hate tearing them up!!

I really love your journal page! And what you put - she has a restless, searching nature - fits you (from what I know!) a searching nature is a good thing!! :)