"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Thursday, May 17, 2007

the stillness of this new moon

so weird. this morning while I was outside, I noticed a stillness. a quietness - it is like the moon is resting and the earth along with it. Oh the birds were singing, the washing machine was going, clothes hanging in the sun, traffic noise in the background. BUT it was quiet. I found it quite comforting actually - like our earth was resting along with the moon, getting energy to cope with all that is happening out there. today I am cleaning and as I do, I am burning the samhain incense that Daisy sent me - with this stillness, it still feels like Samhain to me
I took a few dark moon photos of my garden and I believe that you can even sense the resting of the moon in them...

see how all the leaves are now falling - but, how odd is it that my gardenias are still blooming at this time of year - curiouser & curiouser.....

even the peace flags are still & notice all the leaves under my apple tree - I will rake these up over the weekend and put into my compost.....and even my vegie garden below is in resting mode - I am getting it ready to plant beetroot, onions and potatoes.


A bird in the hand said...

There is something so comforting about your garden and the way you describe it. xoxo

Daisy Lupin said...

It is so strange you should say that, I was up early for a herbal tea and too listen to the dawn chorus and all of a sudden, everything was just deathly still and silence.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are having a good day. I think I have lost sight of the little things and I have been feeling sad. Time to stop and smell the flowers.


peppylady (Dora) said...

Love, your clothes line. My day is pretty well going like yours.

Lisa said...

I've really enjoyed getting caught up with you. Thought provoking, as always. You sound really wonderful and settled.

I knew someone who had lived with physical pain for years. One day he got up and he felt really weird. He couldn't figure out what was wrong. Finally, he realized, he wasn't in pain. He didn't know what to do with himself.

I was just thinking about something you said a few posts back. I think finding your Cornish roots, hearing more about your grandmother, and doing all the soul work you have been doing is contributing to your lack of depression. It's a beautiful thing but it may take some getting used to. Well worth it, I'd say. :)

So good catching up with you. I love you.

Peggy said...

your garden looks so peaceful and inviting. Would love to be sitting under the apple tree having a cup of tea with you.

Patty said...

I love the peace flags. Your yard looks like a lovely place to sit and relax

J C said...

Gardenias must be amazing flowers. Mine were all withered and dropping the unopened buds because of our drought, and suddenly new one's came and bloomed and now my bush is covered with delicious white flowers, altho they do not last long. Still....they showed me their beauty for a short time.

gma said...

Lovely moonlit photos Robyn.Peace is coming to you!

Julie said...

Oh, I am so glad I have found you again. I thought I had lost your blog forever and I missed reading it.("This blog is open to invited readers only.") Daisy L. read your post today and it reminded her about liminal events and that reminded me about an event I think must be a liminal event. Hope you read it on my post for today.

Maybe it is the dark moon that has been giving me problems for the past week.
