"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Friday, May 18, 2007

global warming is not a myth

for Mothers Day, Joe gave me a subscription to the Diggers Club of Australia - a club for gardeners that "aims to provide the best seeds, plants products and advice that the environmentally aware gardener could need". They specialize in heirloom vegetables and unimproved flowers.
They have a terrific website and many, many articles on environmental issues. here is a link to those articles - articles which will open your eyes to just how bad the state of our earth is and how much we need and can do to help.



Daisy Lupin said...

Will check this out. There was a terrible doom and gloom headline in the papers yesterday, a report has said we have FIVE years to changed the world or we are doomed!
We all do as much as we can, I think it is big businesses that need to get their act together.

Sheila said...

I looked at the link Robyn...When I clicked on garden, it took me to Heronswood. That first photo on the right, is what I had in mind for my garden, that I was trying to explain to you... Even the slope of that garden is similar to mine. It got me quite excited, and I will go back and read it properly.
This was a great gift from your Hubby..what a clever man he is..!!

gma said...

Fantastic website.My daughter Amanda is an Environmental consultant....she cares so much for Earth. She has told me that some Environmentalists are also in it for the money....they want to get jobs from these major corporations...so they fudge a little when they find native seed beds...etc. She fights them when they expect her to look the other way. Proud of her for that!!!But she says for the most part people in that business DO care and do the work for Earth not money!!!

peppylady (Dora) said...

What a great web site! I wish I knew a web site like that for us in the United States.

I was watching something on T.V on the drought in Australia (not sure of what area) and everyone was a loud 40 gallons of water daily.
I'm not sure how much water we use.
But at one time we had to haul water and when you haul water your more aware of what you use.

oldflowers4me said...

hello darling girl- i just came by to say hello, im from australia and diggers is in dromana 10 min down the road from me they have a ramed earth tea rooms there as well its divine ,you can just go to the gardens there as well - the russian sunflowers are the best they grow as big as a dinner plate ,you plant them on melbourne cup week end, hop skip and jump -enjoy love jo p.s dont for get to put your lipstick on.

Gina E. said...

Hi Robyn,
I haven't had a chance to check out that link yet, but I will. Ken brought home a DVD last week that one of the guys at work had lent him. Apparently he taped it off the ABC, and it is of a bunch of scientists who reckon the whole global warming thing is just a scare campaign by western governments to stop third world countries going ahead with development by using their stores of coal and oil. Shit. I dunno. I'm not qualified in anything, and I only got to fourth form in school (year 10 I think its called now), so I can't really argue with people on either side of this debate. But over the past 20 years, I've read a lot of books on the subject and I can't believe the people on this DVD who debunk the whole lot.

Pear tree cottage! said...

Robyn, I was just doing some housework on my blog and decided to come into your blog from my side bar thinking I had not been included in your guest list so am very VERY! pleased to find I am today, so will again enjoy your blog, your comments and your articles............Have a lovely day.


Peggy said...

Congratulations! You are a God Mother!

Anonymous said...

That is a great site.