"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Friday, March 2, 2007

dot, dot * comma, comma

off to art class I went yesterday - idea in mind, canvas under arm, paints in box...... sat down and proceeded to 'gesso' my canvas *because that is what you must do* - then I sat and watched it dry..... and while I was doing that I showed the class my mixed media piece that I had done, explaining that it wasn't finished yet... my teacher just looked and said 'oh' - and it wasn't "OH!!!!" as in how wonderful - but 'oh' in a flat, dull, no tone voice... she didn't like it... it hadn't been sealed, it didn't have depth.... for heaven's sake - this will probably end up in a garage sale when I die - it isn't going to be hanging in the national art gallery, believe me.
and then she proceeded to tell me that she had art in a woman's exhibition and there was a piece done by an artist much like I was trying to achieve... so does that mean that I haven't achieved yet?
then I explained what I wanted to do with my canvas and she told me that I must sketch my idea on paper until I get it right... but I don't want it 'right' !!!
so I grabbed my oil pastels and sketched...

it is awful , nothing like I want to create as my mixed media *goddesses in my life* - nothing at all like it......but at least I was constructive and my inner child had fun creating...

please don't get me wrong, this teacher is a nice person and she is talented and I am grateful that she is trying hard to help me, she really is... but the class is too restrictive for me...the rest of the class are still doing dots and commas on cardboard!
I don't think I am going back....


Gill said...

Do your own thing! It sounds like the teacher is trying to restrict you and by the sounds of things this is not what you want in your art. DO what YOU want to do, you are the one creating it.

Take care

hollibobolli said...

I second Tara's comment. I don't think this teacher (even if she is nice) sounds like she would inspire me in the way I need to be inspired. That "oh" would have killed me a thousand times over. You don't have to speak volumes to speak volumes, you know?

I LOVE your sketch - I get it.

I have zero idea what is going on with this art class - but I honestly think you're moving in the right direction. Your inner beauty is really shining through. Keep going where you feel you need to be.


Carole Burant said...

You don't need the restrictions of a class...as the others have said, do your own thing:-) Robyn, I received your parcel yesterday and I just LOVE the socks and candles, thank you sooooo much!! I had never heard of aromatherapy socks before, they're delightful! I posted about them today:-) Thank you again!! xoxox

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

My humble opinion is that you don't need this art class. I think there is a lot you can learn, in terms of new techniques (if that's what you are after)from books or searching on line. The main thing is that you stay true to yourself....create with abandon(I actually posted about that today). Gather all your supplies and images and paints and mediums and whatever else you have....and sit among them. Feel what it is you want to convey on your canvas, and begin. It will evolve and without restrictions OR a critical eye for what is RIGHT or WRONG. Because in my opinion there is no such thing in art...unless you want to learn the dots and commas...and I'm pretty sure you don't.

ms stacia said...

I sounds to me like the art teacher is into creating art for the masses and you are creating for yourself. I vote for yourself, it is the truest form of art. I don't care if anyone else likes what I do if as long as it makes me happy and I get it.


ms stacia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Daisy Lupin said...

You don't need this art class Robyn, it sounds stifling. Follow your own drum beat create just for yourself.

Lila Rostenberg said...

I agree with everyone else...you have our "permission" not to go back...unless you enjoy frustration! (just kidding!)

A bird in the hand said...

I understand that she is a nice person, but I must take issue with her statement that "she told me that I must sketch my idea on paper until I get it right".

I think you're right to not go back. You need to give yourself free rein...

Tinker said...

Good for you - continuing to let your inner child create and play, despite such lack of encouragement...You are an artist Robyn - don't let this teacher discourage you. Perhaps there's another one out there that's a better match - but really just going on doing what you like to do yourself may be the best learning experience... Let your inner child go wild! XOXO

Suzie Q said...

Dear Robyn, you should be teaching the class! I would much rather be inspired by you than stifled by Ms. Doitproperly, however nice a person she may be! Good for you! Express yourself! xXx

lizzzzzzzy said...

Have you thought about what the other students might be missing if you were not there. Every person is a teacher, not just the person in front of the class. I wish I could tell you what riches I learned from my seventh graders. BE in art class, Be bold, be yourself, relax, refuse to feel judged or evaluated by your work. IF I had my first painting I struggled with I would share. You are an artist, be so others can learn from you. FROM p 34 of the Book of Encoragement...JK. Lizzzzzzzzzzzzy

Heather said...

I think that the class just isn't the right fit for you. Don't feel bad if you don't go back.

Jana B said...

Wow, I don't think I'd wanna go back either. There is nothing worse than hearing "oh." about something you're pouring your heart and soul into!!! That's SO insensitive.

I'd look for a new art class.