"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Friday, February 9, 2007

sometimes, we do the dumbest things

last Saturday, I went and enrolled in a mixed media class - or so I thought - on the class list it was definately listed as Mixed Media art/folk art. My first class was yesterday. I turned up, with canvas board, large paint brushes, a copy of a photo of my nan when she was a little girl and various other bits n pieces that would result in me, creating an idea that is in my head. so I sat down - arranged all my bits much like MR Bean and noticed that we were being given a sheet of paper with instructions for folk-art. my class is a folk-art class - where ladies learn how to do commas and dots which will then be turned into flowers and other things. where they use expensive sable brushes with names like deer foot and feather brush......not my cup of tea - definately not, I told my teacher. This is what I want to create: producing two pieces of art - one made by Colette & another by Shell. Both gorgeous. Both, definately my cup of tea. THIS is what mixed media is, I informed my teacher. THIS is what I want to create - I need techniques - can you teach me? so we sat down and talked about what I wanted to do..... I am now the proud owner of a light blue background, ready to be 'techniqued' next week - all I need now are some vintage lockets.....


Sheila said...

Oh Robyn I laughed out loud, picturing you as *Mr Bean*, not so funny when you find out what they wanted to teach.I'm glad you were able to get some feed back and turn it into something positive.
Can't wait to see what you produce..xx

Shell said...

*laughs* Oh, noooooooo! Not folk art! Not that I have a problem with it, but yeah, it's a far cry from what you were wanting to do...lol. How on earth could they advertise that as mixed media then?

Oh well, at least the teacher seemed sympathetic and willing to help. Looking forward to seeing the results!

Pam Aries said...

ooooooh.. I am not a fan of folk art of that type! And Folk Art to me is fun and funky art ! Where did they come up with Mixed Media! It will be interesting to see how it all comes together! tee hee!

Anonymous said...

hi miss*R
Oh, what a delicious laugh I got out of that story. Excellent telling. It was cinematographic. You are a great sport. You could actually send that scenario to Mr. Bean.

KaiBlue said...

you are the silliest billie..!!!
What a graphic picture you create of the *joy* cough, of folk art..
I can just picture that.. :)
oh, and I realise that chasing VW's up the street for me might not be prudent..but thankyou for thinking about me every time a bus crosses your path now..lol..
you rock!
Peace, Kai.

Gill said...

Sounds like YOU should be teaching the class!!!

Suzie Ridler said...

Good for you for standing up for yourself and clarifying the class, who would call folk art mixed media? What the heck is that about? I would be so disappointed I would probably have left but you didn't and you got what you needed! Yay for Robyn!

A bird in the hand said...

Oh Robyn, you made me laugh with teh Mr. Bean and the curlicues. You are precious. I would have done the same thing (I hope). xoxo

mrsnesbitt said...

Mr Bean...love it, I laughed out loud at the thought of the incident. Admire you for doing it alone.....I remember when I went to cookery nightclass...we were making black forest gateaux....."chocolate rolls" was in the ingrediants list.....so I took my packet of cadbury's chocolate rolls, only to see everybody else unwrapping their own melted chocolate rolls made my curling with a metal spoon........did I feel a fool! LOL!
Still, i continued to improvise, much to the amusement of the rest of the group! LOL!

Make sure you visit my blog today and be in with a chance to win prizes as I approach my 300th post and 13,000 visitors!

hollibobolli said...


I would love to have been there to see your face the entire time!!!!

I would love to see your light blue background that is "ready to be techniqued!!"

Heather said...

hehe YOU GO GIRL!!