"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Monday, February 19, 2007

for those of you who asked..... a legend. . .

after my post yesterday, I had many emails asking about the Three Sisters. Yes, there is a legend. I also have a spiritual tie to Katoomba - when I go there, I feel emotional and spiritually connected. I go there nearly every day so I can just be there and absorb the energy. I often comment on it to Joe - how it makes me feel, sometimes it makes me cry with sheer 'oneness'
and didn't have a clue what it was until my 'wise woman' pointed out that it could be a power center or vortex for me and yes! I think that is it....it really makes my heart 'shiver & tingle' with pure emotional spirituality (if that makes sense)
The Aboriginal dream-time legend has it that three sisters, 'Meehni', 'Wimlah' and Gunnedoo' lived in the Jamison Valley as members of the Katoomba tribe.

These beautiful young ladies had fallen in love with three brothers from the Nepean tribe,
yet tribal law forbade them to marry.

The brothers were not happy to accept this law
and so decided to use force to capture the three sisters causing a major tribal battle.

As the lives of the three sisters were seriously in danger
a witchdoctor from the Katoomba tribe took it upon himself
to turn the three sisters into stone
to protect them from any harm.
While he had intended to reverse the spell
when the battle was over,
the witchdoctor himself was killed.
As only he could reverse the spell
to return the ladies to their former beauty,
the sisters remain in their magnificent rock formation
as a reminder of this battle for generations to come.


Naturegirl said...

The photos in your last post are more meaningful now that you explained the story!
Beautiful sisters.Thank you hugs NG

Daisy Lupin said...

Love the legend. We have the dancing maidens about twenty miles from where I live. They are also called Long Meg and her daughters.

Tinker said...

Wow - I love reading old legends like this, thanks for sharing it! Those photos of the mountains are just beautiful, no wonder they inspired such a legend. xoxo

Lila Rostenberg said...

That is really a magnificent view...and within walking distance of your home!
The legend really does fit the rock formation!

Pear tree cottage! said...

Now Robyn I didn't know all that being a southern girl! :o) very interesting and great photos.

did you get my email?
hope all is ok!

have been reading your blog but here it is 1.54am in the morning and I have a little time to leave a post before bed.lol lol lol!

enjoy your day my friend.

Pam Aries said...

What a great legend! I think Australia is such a fascinating country! When I see programs about Aus. I always think about you! You knw. Rhonda Byrne(started The Secret) is from Aus.!

A bird in the hand said...

The photos are breathtaking and the legend is very interesting. If those rocks and mountains could speak......

Peggy said...

http://forums.homestead.org/forum_posts.asp?TID=6894&PN=2 Robyn this is a post on fairies from a forum I belong to. Thought you might like it.

Janet said...

Thank you for sharing that story with us. It makes the mountains even more beautiful.

Suzie Q said...

Beautiful place, beautiful legend...Thanks, Robyn :)
Over here in the UK, I get that same 'at home' feeling whenever I get to the top of Glastonbury Tor. A very special, magical place to be - not quite as impressive as your Mountains, but wonderful all the same...and Cornwall has the same feel to it...oh, I have lots of spiritual homes, I think! ;)

btw, your hippy swap is already doing me the world of good - I bought a CD off eBay at the weekend and am listening to it now...FAB!! :)

gma said...

Good Morning Robyn Having my cup and enjoying your blog!!! I have often wondered about the underlying magical mystical spirit that shows its face in clouds and rocks...is it a metaphysical force revealing itself in physical form?

KaiBlue said...

thankyou so much robyn for sharing that lovely story, and being able to visualize it..you're a special soul..
Peace, Kai.

Jana B said...

Wow... I love the legend!!!!

I love the way certain places in nature make you feel... it's amazing to me.