"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I am a godmother!!!

yes - Diva gave birth while I was asleep last night:

it's a boy! well, two actually

Peggy was one of the first bloggers that I had contact with - when I discovered her, I fell in love with her lifestyle and her charm. I count Peggy as one of my best online friends. Then she got Diva - and I fell in love. her antics make me laugh - being a Capricorn, I feel a certain affinity with Diva and now she is a mum.
Congratulation to Peggy & Diva (and Nitro of course) !!


Peggy said...

I just hope your namesake is as sweet as you! Diva and sons have had their supper and all 3 are sleeping peacefully. I am headed that way soon as Diva and I were up all night.

Daisy Lupin said...

How wonderful, so really you are a godmother to twins! I hope at some point you will be able to show a photograph of the two kid goats.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being a GodMother.

Peggy said...

Thank you for the sweet ecard! I told Diva and the boys their godmother had sent it. I gave Robyn a hug and kiss from you. He is the most loving of the two. When I go out he recognizes my voice and comes looking for me.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Aunty Robyn. Peggy could'nt have chosen a sweeter person to name one of her kids after. I am so very happy for you and Peggy. xox

Anonymous said...
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