"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Monday, January 15, 2007

we have contact!

this afternoon, I had the pleasure of talking to Gina at patra's place on the phone! I have been blogging with Gina, since we started, really. Not sure how we found each other, but back then, it was pretty darn exciting finding someone else who blogged who lived in the same country! We exchanged Christmas cakes the year before last and had planned on doing it this last Christmas, 'cept mine went and became a flop. I ate Gina's - yum! it was fun chatting with you Gina, it was like we had met before! - I am sure we will keep in contact. xoxo


Naturegirl said...

Now how nice is that! Chatting it up on the ph. with a friend is so nice!

Sherri Williams said...

How wonderful to have made such a wonderful friend! Enjoy each other.

Janet said...

As yet I've not met another blogger face-to-face but I hope to do so. There are so many wonderful people out here in blogland. I'm glad you made a connection and found a good friend.

KaiBlue said...

dont you wish talking on the phone was free and we could all be on the same timezone!!!!
I'd love to natter with you..lol..
PEace, Kai.

ps..ty for the VW pickie..lol..

Gill said...

Great thing you guys did hooking up on the phone, how great!

Tea said...

Wonderful thing to be able to do!
I love that bag in your Sunday post.
And Happy Birthday although I`m late!
You asked about signs....mines Cap plus Gemini moon AND rising. And you thought yours was complicated! LOL


Sheila said...

How neat..are you far away from each other..?
The only fellow blogger I've met, I actually gave birth too...hehe!

Rosa said...

How fun!!! Wish we lived closer too.

Gina E. said...

Hey Robyn! That was such fun - when I told Ken I'd been talking to someone in N.S.W. for an HOUR, he nearly freaked! "How much is that going to cost??" Isn't that typically male...so I explained to him the deal you have with Optus and he calmed down!
Sheila, Robyn lives in New South Wales, and I am in Victoria - the states are next to each other, but I guess we are about 400 miles apart. Not far really - I still want to come up there one weekend and ride the Zig Zag Railway!