"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

finding my own style

working on my new journal the past two days has been frustrating for me. As I said before, I stress if it is not 'right' ~ Last year, I had too many journals going and thought i would just have one this year - with my thoughts, my 'artwork' and all those gorgeous bits n pieces that I find in magazines and such. I also have a writing pad next to my bed for dreams. Plus my Book of shadows which is ongoing... BUT I am having a difficult time finding my own style - in mixed media and collaging - I am inspired by so many out there - Colette: I adore her work - it is so serene and peaceful~ I want to create like her! Then there is Kansas Rose - gorgeous work ~ Soul of Hope - love that too and Teesha Moore - well if I could just create work like hers. I understand totally that our work comes from our own inner creative soul. JUST HOW do you find it ? I know I am creative ~ Give me a doll & I can create and imagine and make my own ideas come flowing out like a flooding river - give me a paint brush and my creative streak literally freezes.
I am not sure if I am expecting too much, or there are too many ideas in my head, or if I have not one ounce of artistic talent in my bones. I went out and bought some watercolours and other stuff yesterday but each time I try to paint or collage it looks stupid to me. the paint isn't the right colour or it all looks too contrived ~ it makes me sad not to be able to get this bubble out. The online course will help, I am sure ~ any suggestions or books or anything else that may help me ?


Lila Rostenberg said...

I think you just need to follow your muse....there is an overabundance of art journaling information out there! Cut, paste, draw and paint what you like...add glitter when you want to....not every page has to be a masterpiece...it still records or showcases something that was inportant to you or that caught your eye!
Have fun!
The course you are enrolled in will be a great guide for getting started. (Hey, like I know?...but I have been doing art journals for about 7 years now...they are addicting! They give me a feeling of making order out of the chaos I come across.)

Lisa said...

The best advice for my own block was from ArtJunkgirl's Lia...just start cutting and gluing. When I have no inspiration, I just start cutting and gluing. I think when I do that I have noone else in mind and whatever happens, happens and that's always the stuff I like best.

Anonymous said...

Hi miss*R

Belated birthday greetings. Your presence makes this planet an even more special place to live.

I really know what you mean about not finding your groove. I spent perhaps a decade trying to MAKE my stuff look a certain way. It was not good. I gave up, told myself that art wasn't my thing.

It wasn't until I got into the magic part of time, if you know what I mean. I gave myself space and time. It was as if I were out playing in the garden at age 6. Suddenly it was all process. Product was beside the point.

Over a period of about a year I found my own style, and now I consider myself an artist.

Not advice really, but just sharing my experience.

Daisy Lupin said...

Just do it, nothing is wrong or right, it just is. I am waiting for delivery of a Sark book which you do to nudge your creativity into action.

Suzie Ridler said...

I find the paper medium to be quite difficult. I enjoy working with clay and beads but give me a paintbrush and I just don't know what to do with it most of the time. I just try and see what happens. I hope you can do the same!

A bird in the hand said...

Try this, hon. Start a gluebook. Take a blank copybook and start glueing magazine and other clippings and bits and pieces on the pages without thinking too much about it. I used to do it a lot. It works, and it's fun!


mrsnesbitt said...

Thursday now!
oops minutes away!


Janet said...

I can so relate to this! I feel the same way at times. I know I'm creative but sometimes I just freeze and nothing comes. I love paints but they don't seem to love me! I find I work best in black and white. I think sometimes when we try to make ourselves do something it just doesn't work. It has to just flow out of us.