"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Sunday, December 31, 2006

a little help

we all need a little help sometimes - whether it be from friends or something else. at the moment I am getting some help & support from Dr Bach. I am lucky enough to have someone close to make up my remedies. At first, I thought I needed just about every remedy and had to choose six only. For this time in my life I chose Beech, Vervain, Gentian, Impatiens, white chestnut and cerato. BACH FLOWERS over the next few days as time permits, I am going to post about each of these flower remedies - for my own information.

here in Australia we have our own bush flower essences but I find that for me at this point in time, the Bach flowers are what call to me - for whatever reason ( I am thinking because my 'problems or issues' seem to be ones I have brought with me into this life from past lives (yes, it can happen) and I did live somewhere over in the Northern Hemisphere.....maybe I was a druid?)......


Spider Girl said...

Before bellydance shows, there always seems to be someone in the dressing room with Bach's Rescue Remedy there to share it and calm our before-show nerves. :)

Annie Jeffries said...

Hi Robyn. I went to the Bach site. Looks like you made some good choices. Best wishes.

A bird in the hand said...

I hope you will post about these remedies. I've never really understood them. I tried Rescue remedy once, but it didn't do anything for me. Maybe I was beyond rescuing...

Suzie Ridler said...

I found something called Baileys Flower Essences and used them because they had a protection one available, which has worked a lot although I wish I could have found one with yarrow in it. I can't wait to hear how the Bach remedies work for you Robyn and to hear what you'll be using them for.

Janet said...

I'll be interested in how these work for you. My daughter just made a couple of aromatherapy essences for me....one for calming and one for building up ones immunity.

Tammy said...

I will be interested to hear your experience with these. I have actually tried them with our crazy cats. They had some positive effect! No miracles, but even a little good effect is a good thing!