"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Friday, June 22, 2007

winter solstice ~

Daisy was my confidante, my mentor and part of my soul family. I would often say to her, that I wish we lived near each other and she always said that the world could not cope with the two of us together, that we balanced each other by being on opposite sides of the world. The yin and the yang of the world. She knew me - she knew what I believed. She understood what I believed and she believed the same thing. we had the same dreams, the same waking times, we each had a twin record keeping crystal. We celebrated winter solstice and midsummer at the same time.... on opposite sides of the globe. We planted a tree in each of our gardens in honour of our friendship - me a rowan and she planted a eucalypt - her little bit of Australia, she called it. She didn't give up until she found my great grandmother for me..... she knew of my love for Cornwall. We were in the middle of creating for each other, an altered book of shadows ( I will share the one I was making for her, later on). the day she passed, there was a parcel on its way to her from me and one to me from her, I received mine a few days after she left........ She was teaching me her knowledge of the 'craft'. we were planning on meeting up in a year or two and maybe travelling to Cornwall together. Hilary and I have spent many incarnations together and I just found her in this one, and have lost her again. She was my soul connection to Cornwall.
tonight, I will be honouring her, in my sacred space, under my pine tree, where faeries live. I will have a farewell ceremony of my own - to say "canu'n iach" to my best friend....


Sheila said...

Perhaps not good-bye, but rather
'until next time'.

Gill said...

She is still with you. She will be with you under the pine tree. Listen with your heart.

Kim Campbell said...

That was beautiful.

Gill said...

Your friend is in your heart.
Listen, she will whisper on the winds.

Take care

KaiBlue said...

amen..Peace, Kai

Suzie Q said...

So glad to find this post, Robyn.
My heart goes out to you. Wishing you Peace...
Suze x

Everydaythings said...

echoing gills post - that is perfect!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

she will hear you..