"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Monday, June 25, 2007

strong women

today I made myself do some normal everyday things - I cleaned the bathrooms, stripped the sheets and threw the windows open. Even though it was absolutely freezing. I felt my home had become sad... it was holding my grief. After I cleaned, I lit lots n lots of little tea lights and some of the yuletide incense that Daisy sent me last week.
It is just this heartache in my chest that is hurting so bad.
I know I will 'survive' this grief. lord, I come from a long line of survivors, strong women :-
my paternal grandmother - Florence Emily Tester - had 7 boys, no daughters and spent her early married years in a one room home, with a dirt floor. later moving to a home with real stove ~ one that she had to light with wood!
my maternal grandmother - Jean Ingall Franks,who was blind and endured diabetes all her life, having a needle every day and who survived 4 strokes before succumbing to a 5th, leaving this earthly plane with not a grey hair on her head
then there is my dear Laura Curnow Tregilgas - my great grandmother on my Pa's side. Came to Australia with her children, to join her husband who had moved months before with the Navy - settling in for a few years and being left a widow in a strange country with all her children. She must have missed England so much, but she stayed here in Australia, for whatever reason.
I am from good Cornish stock, i have the blood running through my veins, so yes, I will be ok - but I miss *Daisy* so much - she was my link to Cornwall.


Sheila said...

Our foremothers had to be tough in those days didn't they. They had to acept the death of young children and spouses to ailments that today could be helped so easily. Add to that the rigors of everyday living and we really have it easy. That does not stop us from hurting deeply when we lose someone we love.
I'm glad you are able to move forward a little.

Anonymous said...

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Ok I HATE that saying, buuuut, it is true. Love Hugs and Blessings coming your way.

Dianne said...

Hello Robyn, I've been reall busy and haven't had a chance to visit here..
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, I can relate,
my dear old friend is in his last days..
We have to remember they are always with us and to talk to them cause they here and listen. I told my friend I'd be bugging him all the time having to talk to him..
My heart goes out to you. Huge hug and well wishes sending your way...

KaiBlue said...

this too shall pass..
I miss Daisy so much, Im just going to sit here a while with you on these cliffs that overlook the Beautiul beach below in St Ives and You, Daisy and I can hold Spirit hands and enjoy this land we all love.
PEace, Kai xx

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

Big hug Dear Robin

Peggy said...

Robyn I have given you a award over at my blog. Hope your week is filled with peace and happiness.

Tammy said...

Here from Peggy's place!
Praying for healing in your heart...I hear your anguish thought the posts that I've read...I did not know Daisy that well but I hurt for those that did!

Patty said...

Your much stronger than you realize. Take a deep breath, and know that the Goddess is with you.