"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Monday, April 30, 2007


above is my Samhain altar in my dining room - photos of my grandmas, a ring that belonged to my nan, my dad's kookaburra rattle, some knuckle bones that were my grandmas and a piece of jet - I will light a black candle at dusk which will burn until dawn ( well, that is the theory!)
I am quite new to this and learning as I go along - with the help of a wonderful friend.... kind like 'witches school' - does that mean I will become a member of the black hat brigade?

Samhain ~ the day when the veil is thinnest between the worlds. I wonder if this is why I have been seeing flits of light lately? a few nights ago, I woke around 2am in the morning and there was a bright light next to my bed, that flashed away when I opened my eyes.... I have also been seeing sparkles on and off for the past few weeks.....

I was sitting here looking at Laura's photo and imagining what it would have been like for her parents living in Cornwall in the 1800's and I went into a kind of meditative state and even heard my great-great grandfather..... strange things happen or else I am losing my mind....

so Samhain down here - not alot happens as we don't have the commercialism of Halloween to deal with.... I gathered some apple leaves that had fallen on the ground and placed them into a terracotta pot - and thought I would have a lovely little bonfire - to keep those wandering spirits away - not a real good idea as it smoked and smoked - with Joe racing out thinking what the hell I had done.... so I will just stick to lighting lots of candles... dinner tonight is whatever I can find really - sausages and the remainder of my zucchinis just picked from my garden.

to all of my friends up in the Northern Hemisphere - I wish a blessed Beltane! xo


Daisy Lupin said...

The May poles and the May Queen's will be out tomorrow. Beltane tonight to take us through to them. The moon is waxing it was wonderfully clear moonlit night last night, a sunny day today, hope it's a good moonlit night tonight.

Peggy said...

Your alter looked so peaceful and comforting when I saw the photo. Maybe thats why you see the lights. They feel comfortable and peaceful enough to come to you.

Tinker said...

Wishing you a blessed Samhain - your altar is lovely, Robyn! XO

Sheila said...

Samhain is my favourite time of year Robyn.
I can't hep but notice the different 'things' you have been experiencing since finding your 'roots'...no coincidences there ..!
Enjoy them....xx

Gill said...

Ahhhh Samhain, the most sacred and spiritual time on Mother Earth! Wishing you a Blessed one, and here's to apple leaves and candles.
Zucchini and sausages, yum! I always cut the zucchini into coins, and pan fry them with butter and freshly crushed garlic. It is sooo good!!!
Have an amazing day lady!

gma said...

Lighting candles here too dear Robyn! xo

peppylady (Dora) said...

I also wonder what my pass family members may have done or thought. I'm always ready to listen to tell about my family members of long ago.

When I was in grade school during music we would sing a song went something like this " Kookaburra set in the ole gum tree, laugh kookaburra laugh"....and I don't know the rest of the song.

Happy Beltaine to you!

A bird in the hand said...

The altar is lovely. And speaking of kookaburrah rattles....There was a street musician in the subway today playing the didgeridoo and quite well at that.
I thought of you. xoxo

Patty said...

I like the way that you honored your family. I do that at Samhain too, As you know it is Beltane here. Spring in all its glory. Have a blessed day

Suzie Ridler said...

I'm glad you have your own way of celebrating Samhain Robyn, I think that makes it even more special and potent. More and more I'm leaving books behind and just exploring magic in my own way. I love hearing about the orbs of light and the sparkles that you see. Orbs are often thought to be angels and spirit guides. You are such a highly evolved spirit!