"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Monday, April 2, 2007

just call me - Edward

yes, I am now known affectionately by my family as Edward Scissorhands... last week I had a slight 'mishap' with a pair of scissors. a very sharp pair of scissors. I received a parcel from Tara in France that had the word 'chocolate' written on the customs form so of course I had to open it. then and there. the parcel had been opened by customs and for some strange reason, they had decided to use tape to seal it back up. no idea why, 'cause they usually send it on not resealed very well. this time they had used a year's supply of tape. and I had to tackle it with one hand as I was on the phone to my sister as I opened the package. multi-tasking I think it is called. so I was cutting away and whoosh, those scissors found their mind of their own and went off on a wild tangent into my arm. I thought - 'gawd that was lucky' - thinking I had missed and then the blood started spurting or gurgling is a better word... so I yelled to my sister on the phone, 'I will call you back, I have slashed my wrist' & jumped up, trying to prevent it from going all over my very expensive axminster carpet and grabbed the white sheet that was covering my lounge, called to my daughter Sophie - who applied pressure on the cut and I collapsed on the floor.

We got me into the car and Sophie drove me to the hospital emergency - with me going into slight shock and muttering stuff like "I am going to die" and told her I was so sorry I was such a strict and terrible mother (shock does strange things to one). She was great, she talked to me while she drove. When we arrived at the hospital - they yelled 'emergency triage' and I was taken immediately in. I looked a little like a mummy wrapped up in the sheet and oh, how glamorous I was. I had the oldest tracksuit pants on as well as one of Joe's thermal singlets and my hair was every witch way... when they took the bandage off, the nurse kind of sniggered as the cut was only about 1/4" long and had clotted so it looked innocent. However they put a pressure bandage on it and sent me to wait for a Dr ~ with all the other sick people - coughing and spluttering THEIR germs all over ME. . . . . . . 4 hours later I was taken into see the Dr whose first question was did I try to commit suicide... puhlease... although one cretin in blogworld did ask me that, via email. IDIOT. The Dr then proceeded to clean the wound, which promptly started spurting. He said 'my, that is deep' - I think you will need a stitch. (scissors went in about 1/2" or so). Injections into wound. OUCH. that is when I started to go cold & clammy & hot and ditzy and told him I was going to faint.. had to lie down and have the stitches inserted - 2 of them.. not many. It was at this moment that Sophie decided that it was all too much and had to sit down as well as she was just about passing out too. what a pair of funnies we were. "oh and when was your last tetnus shot?" I was asked "100 years ago I said" . jab in the arm..... don't get it wet until you get the stitches out in a week. left arm ... easy peasy..... not so.... hard to wash hair. no sewing or gardening. impossible to type on computer. severe withdrawals. typing with one finger...well you get what I am trying to say....
to make matters worse - I developed a chest cold and have been feeling pretty damn sick...let us hope that it is all over now and life in Woodford becomes quiet like it should be....

anyhow - I am back..lots to catch up on and alot of parcels still sitting here to be sent. SORRY to those of you who are expecting something - it will be on its way this week.
and thankyou, THANKYOU, thankyou for all the emails and well wishes...
and thankyou to daisy for keeping you informed xo


Everydaythings said...

I guess they have to ask those questions robyn..but it does get annoying when three or four diff docs ask the same thing. I had the same with dh who cut his arm fixing the tumble dryer...and then me...I accidentaly walked into a rollerdoor and cut the top of nose and fracured it...they kept on asking if it was domestic violence... that got me more upset than the pain in the nose as it wasnt and I couldnt understand why they kept harping on about it when I'd already said no a thousand times!

So glad youre back here now - glad I checked in today!!!

Daisy Lupin said...

She's back ....Thank Goodness, nice to see you blogging again

Sheila said...

Dear Robyn, glad to see you back..!
You never do things by halves do you...?!
I hope you are nicely healed and will soon be over the cold.
I hope Sophie, poor girl, is also recovered from this trauma..?
BTW..how was the chocolate..?

Suzie Q said...

Glad to have you back again, Robyn. All healed now, I hope. Back to being the official faery photographer now? Great! :)
Keep smiling, sweetheart.
Thinking of you :)
Big Hugs,
Suze xXx

Rosa said...

Robyn! Oh my gosh! I've thought I may do that once ripping into boxes. I think to myself "I reallyl should have the knife going away from me!" So glad you're ok and Sophie was there to help. Lordy Ms. R! xoxo

Peggy said...

You really go to the extremes for chocolate don't ya! LOL Welcome back!

gma said...

Robyn...we missed you!!!So happy you are back!xoxoxo

Lisa said...

I'm so glad you're on the mend! It's good to have you back. The way you told the story was very comical but I'm sure it wasn't very comical at the time, huh? You're awesome. Lots of love going your way.

Laurie said...

Glad to see you back Robyn,
Thank goodness that Sophie was there!! Hope you get over the cold soon, I think emergency rooms are the worst!!

Sending you lots of hugs...

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

So glad you're back and on the mend. I agree it read comical but know it wasn't in the slightest when happening. Anytime blood starts spurting...well, scary indeed.
I did that with a knife cutting pickles while on the phone - the phone began to slip I went for it and stabbed my arm instead. My poor niece on the other end was quite stricken as I let out a "I CUT my arm". G came home and took me to ER - luckily no stitches were warranted - I just felt rather embarrassed.
Sending love and hugs your way, nice to see your blog in bloom again! You were missed dear one!

Suzie Ridler said...

What an absolutely horrid ordeal you went through Robyn! I am so sorry to hear this and hope that you've recovered from the wound and the visit to the hospital, both are very stressful. I had a strong feeling you may be in some distress, I should have emailed you!

A friend of mine was carrying a plate and fell down the stairs and it broke and cut her wrist and the rumours at the school she was at went haywire that she tried to commit suicide, the IDIOTS! Some people see bad and horror everywhere they look. It says a lot more about them than you.

Tinker said...

Glad to hear from you again! Hope you continue to heal quickly!

JoyceAnn said...

Robyn , Sorry to hear about your mishap. Sounds like something I would do to get to chocolate. LOL .
Really glad all is well.

Gill said...

Welcome back :-}

Have missed you.

Good to hear you are on the mend.

Take care

kansasrose said...

Oh do take care Robyn and rest up and get your strength back....blood loss is no fun whether it is by donation or an accident like this...glad your girl was there with you. Take your vitamins and eat some iron rich foods...so glad to hear from you again! Missed you! Are you enjoying the full pink moon? :) Love, Jenny

Anonymous said...

Did you get the chocolate in the end? I would have done the same thing for a nice slab of the chocolate variety. Not that you did it intentionally... I would have lol.....you know, anything for the chocolate cause. Get well and keep safe lol xox

Rella said...

Oh dear,Pet, you poor thing. I almost got whoozy just reading about the blood spurting. Don't do well with that, myselft. glad you are feeling better...gosh, take good care. I will be posting your angel in the morning I hope...she will be on her way to you to do something quite lovely with, I'm sure. Hugs ~ Rella

Annie Jeffries said...

Your daughter was an absolute trooper!! And she didn't get woozy until it didn't matter if she did. WooWoo. What a story. Funny to read but NOT to experience. Hope those chocolates were worth it. Oh wait. On top of everything else, you got a COLD. I'll bet you weren't able to taste a thing. Now THAT is terrible. Hugs, Annie

J C said...

Aw Robyn. Did you get blood on the chocolate? Geesh, now you can't share! LOL Nice that you are ok and healing, and back in blogland. You were missed.

KaiBlue said...

Aloha Robyn..Im glad youre back:) I know the situation was serious, but I couldnt help but be tickeled by your reference to wearing old clothes and being a mess arriving at the hospital..
I was picturing the dram unfold with you and about 20 good looking male docs and medics rushing you thru the hospitals hallowed halls, while you are ensued by hairdressers, a coutoure expert and makeup artist..
so after doing your stitches, those people dress you, make you glam and put on a matching bandage to your clothing, so you dont clash with the bedding..
..I know, it's silly..but thankyou for being you..thankyou for being here:) and thankyou for being my friend.. ((HUGS)))
Make you better soon..
PEace Kai.

peppylady (Dora) said...

So sorry to hear about your mishaps with scissors.
But in all honesty if I received a package saying "chocolate" I'd be all excited too.
I don
t why I think other country has finer chocolate then mine.

Miss reading your blog glad your back.

Jana B said...

OUCH!!!!!!! I did the same thing, with my finger... still have a scar in fact. Hurt like heck, bled FOR EVER.

I'm glad you're back though *big hug*

A bird in the hand said...

Poor baby! I'm glad to see you back and on the mend. I think those accidents happen to everyone. Me included!

Take good care of yourself. xoxoxo

Gina E. said...

OMG Robyn! Between you and LeeAnn, Easter is going to be a quiet restful time, I hope!!