"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Friday, February 16, 2007

Mr Beans art class

so, yesterday ~ off to art class I go, boring, blue background tucked under my arm, .... armed with various paints that I scrounged from Sophie - aquas, lime greens and some childrens paint brushes. Alfoil, old credit card and other bits n pieces that I thought I might use. A piece of vintage lace.
And I started to mix paint, yet again. This time, being very frugal and of course not mixing enough to dab over the blue (which by now was looking like a flat piece of blue to me) - I wanted to add something to it. So I dabbed and criss crossed (yes, very much like the Mr Bean from last week, tongue held just so) and then I ran out of paint. so i mixed more, not taking a whole lot of notice as to what I was doing and I grabbed the wrong colour and ended up with rose pink. gawd. how hard it is to be an artist. by this time the teacher was looking at me quite strangely. she asked if I was going to be hanging this on my wall. actually I have visions of opening an art gallery - ha! .....

so, this is my work so far - it has taken a whole different track to what I had in mind. I was sitting there, in class, painting, up and down, colour after colour - trying to get something that I was at least half happy with & the inner child got the better of me and I started to do spirals, the teacher said something like - 'oh' you are putting a bit of movement into the background, good.' But, still not happy with it - I then got a yellow and mixed some pumice like substance that I had bought at the art shop and did yellow circles.... I then proceeded to stencil over my vintage piece of lace.... at this point one of the other ladies cried out 'Robyn, you are so talented!' - actually made me feel a little less self concious. I painted some cups, not sure if I like them, I don't want a still life, I want mixed media collage - but I can play with it and see what I come up with.
Next week, I am planning of 'creating' my version of Mary. I reckon that could be sacreligious.
stay tuned for the decoupage escapade


Tinker said...

Woo hoo - Go, Robyn! Good for you., letting your inner child out to play - that's when the best art happens. This is looking great - what fun teacups. And you ARE talented! xoxo

Daisy Lupin said...

This posting has made me laugh, I think it is brilliant, way to go, keep on just do your own thing, they will probably end up thinking you are a creative genius. We don't want nice and twee, we want to scribble outside the lines if we want to. Neat is BAD!!!!!

Lisa said...

This made me want to laugh and cry at the same time! Perfect. Just perfect. Glad you are having fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love it and phooey on that teacher. She doesn't sound like much fun. Check my blog for a longer comment on this.

Gena said...

The main thing is that you are enjoying your art, it is all about how it makes you feel Robyn,I think you are very artistic, looking forward to seeing more!

hollibobolli said...

Um.. I LUFF it!!! But I am a pink freak and collect teacups. So that teacher can blow me. You can quote me on that. :)

Anonymous said...

I think it is wonderful that your mind and feelings all come together on canvas. This is something that I just can't do...I would still be staring at the blue background.

Love your painting.


Lila Rostenberg said...

I really like what is coming out on canvas....play and learn!(you are painting some of my favorite things...and I like the collage effect of the lace)
Can't wait to see your Madonna icon....or whatever direction your muse leads you!

gma said...

Love your art escapades Robyn...and love your art too!
That's what it's about.. freedom of expression!!! Giving your art soul!!!!

Heather said...

I love your commentary on your progress! hehe I actually really like what you ended up with. As you want more of a mixed media piece I don't see why you can't play with it a bit at home!

A bird in the hand said...

It's looking really good. I like the stack of cups, and how the yellow at the bottom of the bottom cup looks like a shadow of the cup....

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Freedom of expression, releasing the inner child, art from the heart and soul...these things can't be taught...they are directly in you already. Run with them and show the class you don't have to adhere to specific rules to create art. Your collage is looking great!

Annie Jeffries said...

Nice work, Robyn. You could have stopped with the stacked coffee cups and I would have felt it was complete. Annie

Jana B said...

"the inner child got the better of me and I started to do spirals"

I love the spirals!!!!! I can't wait to see what your next additions to it will be.... good thing I'm behind, the additions are probably already posted on your blog! LOL

Kim Campbell said...

Lovely! The piece you made with your Nan is it? I am notliking your art teacher.....