"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Friday, March 23, 2007

dancing with the pixies

the photo above was found on the net - I don't have any callistemons in my garden, but after this weekend, I will.... the faeries want me to plant one... if you look closely you will see the little seed pods where they live, where I saw them as a child. . . . .

And as a child, I can remember dancing with the pixies and laughing and clapping gleefully & having faeries as my confidantes. I would talk to the faeries who lived in the 'bottlebrush bush' outside my home - making little houses for them, giving them food and little gifts to make them happy. I knew without a doubt that they were real.
But as I grew up, I was always told to 'get my head out of the clouds' and to be 'sensible, there is no room for fluffing off with the faeries in this world' - so my 'sight' was closed down and I have a terrible time with it now - inside, deep down I know & believe faeries exist and I can feel the faery energy around me but part of me won't believe -the sensible, doubting part of me, the 'grown-up' part of me.... that is one of my turmoils every day of my life...

I have books and cards and I meditate but I just can't see them anymore - it breaks my heart :(
a little later today, I am going to do a little ritual at my faery altar - to invite them back into my life - I am going to ask them to open my 'sight' again.....


Daisy Lupin said...

You have just reminded me of something I had forgotten about. It was about the Botanical Gardens in Edinburgh. I am off to see if I can find it on the net, you will like it if I can.

Pear tree cottage! said...

There is a tree in Melbourne that shows its true being, to only the very young and as you grow up it no longer holds the energy as it does for a child.

But it can never be taken from your heart now can it.

I am so pleased to see you back at your blogger page after your sabbatical.

Keep looking with your heart and the faeries will be there.

Lila Rostenberg said...

Have fun! I wonder what Daisy will find?

peppylady (Dora) said...

What an interesting flower. I don't believe I've seen anything like that.
To me it reminding me of a "bottle brush washer"
So maybe the faire uses them to wash bottles and glasses out.

Dianne said...

The flower is gorgeous I could see why they would wan to hang around them.. Well I believe in fairies and I have yet to see them but I Believe..Glad to see your blogging again. From reading all the post you were really missed. They are really the only ones who matter..
I believe when illness gets us it is sometime fot a reason, a lesson we have to learn. Thats what happen to you. Now you have learned your lesson, life will only get better...

Lisa said...

I've never seen a fairy but I've always loved to pretend that those little fuzzy blueish white "angel" bugs that like to come out on summer evenings and drift about are fairies.

Perhaps I'll make them some little homes.:)

gma said...

Robyn...that's funny they used to tell me to get my head out of the clouds too...LOL don't remember why though.

Sheila said...

I hope your ritual is successful at bringing back the faeries into your life. They are still there, you just have to learn to see them again.

Suzie Ridler said...

Robyn, start with asking them to visit in your dream state first. When you go to sleep, imagine you walk through a fairy door and into their realm. Leave them fairy lavender cakes and tell them how much you miss them. I bet that would help.

It's so hard not to let the world crush your magical vision. I think you will be able to get it back.

Tinker said...

We have a bottlebrush tree in our front yard - I haven't seen fairies there, but maybe I'm not looking at the right time. I did think I saw one once years ago, but haven't seen one since - though sometimes I think I feel them around.
'They' always told me to get my head out of the clouds, too - don't know how effective it was though - I'm still a daydreamer.

J C said...

We have bottlebrush trees here too. They are beautiful, but don't park your car under it! It sticks!

A bird in the hand said...

Bottlebrush trees always remind me of Southern California where I once lived. What a lovely color this one is!

kansasrose said...

Love this tree! Glad to see you back again blogging honey! I miss you...You have been in my thoughts and prayers....love to you kr

Rosa said...

Oh, where would we be without the clouds to put our heads in? I hope you find your faeries again. How sweet.

Kim Campbell said...
