"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

Monday, May 14, 2007

where do I go from here?

I wonder. the dark moon coming up has made me go inside myself more than usual. I am withdrawing and it worries me. I am NOT depressed. I wonder where I go from here with my blogging. I wonder where I go with my 'spiritual journey'. It is like I am at that point again of which road to take.
I feel so much more settled since finding my Cornish roots - I feel a true connection but since starting the Earth as healer course with Starhawk, I have become more questioning of my life. It worries me that most of my friends are on-line. I don't have friends in the real world that I talk to like I 'talk' to those friends online. I have Joe, my partner who is my best friend and I am very, very fortunate in that. But it worries me that I am putting all my eggs in one basket so to speak. I do not mind my own company at all, at least I know what I am talking about. I love to be by myself in the garden, knowing my ancestors are there with me - but they are not 'there' to hug me or to reply to my questions.
my blogging has changed so many times and I feel in my soul that right now, I am standing at a crossroads with it - which way to take? I do not want to get caught up in it all again like I have done. I do not want to get caught up in the frenzy of swaps or give-aways. I made my blog private -invitation only because I had many people reading and never commenting, it is NOT the comments that concern me. It is more - why do they read and not comment, ever? Would they come and sit in my home, watching my daily life and not talk? it kind of freaked me out a little.
I have a wonderful life here in my little corner of the world - a place that I want to share with those who I care about and can call a good friend. I want to read about how your days are, see your area where you live and read about how you are feeling.
I want to show you what it is like to live on the other side of the world (for some anyhow) ... so bear/bare? (never know which one) with me for a while til I sort it all out.


A bird in the hand said...

I sometimes worry I spend too much time alone, although I'm comfortable with my own company most of the time. I should probably go out more, make more friends, socialize more, and I certainly wouldn't want all my friendships to be online, I need the physical presence. I'm a little blue right now, so forgive my rambling...time for a cup of tea!xoxo

Sheila said...

I'm in agreement, that most of my contacts are on line too. I think a lot of bloggers are the same way.
I visit some blogs and don't always comment. Sometimes it is because I don't think I have anything of value to contribute.
I like my time alone, and having a house full of people would freak me out..!
I think you are evolving, with a different take on life and with blogging, and you will do what you feel comfortable with. You are the only one you have to please.

amelia said...

I often don't comment because it's all been said by someone else!
Also I often have nothing of any value to contribute so I don't say anything.
I do understand how you feel though and will make a bigger effort!!!!

gma said...

One reason we get so close as blogger friends is because we talk soul to soul. We aren't distracted by physical sensory energy...we can just say what's on our mind. I blog about things that I wouldn't bring up to my regular friends.This is the most unique form of communication ever....we are here for each other and yet we aren't dropping in and bugging each other like regular friends do occasionally.LOL!!!

gma said...

just kidding about regular friends...I love them so much too! They ARE important in our lives.

Beth said...

I understand how you feel about not commenting. I have tried to visit several times but couldn't but I have missed you. Hope I can visit again.

Anonymous said...

I too have most of my friends online. I love the blogging world. Love Hugs and Blessings

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I swear Sheila and Gemma said it all.
I read and often times I think I have nothing of value to say. I feel and absorb but to articulate sometimes hits a snag.
I do have more connections on line than I do in person admittedly, but as Gemma said we talk soul to soul...and it's when we want and I always feel it even if someone doesn't comment that day or for a couple of days.
It's changed my life in many ways and it can only get better and better. The connections are REAL and yes, sometimes I long for it to be easy to meet for a cuppa and a real life hug. For now, this will have to suffice.
You will figure it all out Robyn, you will.

Lady Prism said...

Sometimes I don't comment because I feel shy. This happens mostly when I see and perceive other comments as more eloquent or expressive than how I could word mine. Sometimes I don't comment because a post has touched me deep and I have to digest it for a night..then come back...

This is a nice post and reflects what I want to say too!

Julie said...

I, too, feel more connected to the earth now that I have found my Scottish roots. (Rather, they found me.) I really don't have a lot of in-person friends either. I probably see most of my book club friends once a month a most, and I consider them among my best and dearest friends. I enjoy my own company and am probably a hermit. I was pleased to discover that my newly-found Scottish second cousin is that way too, as is our shared great aunt. It is not always bad to be that way, unless and until you feel the ache to re-connect with people.

But I hope that you don't think that when people don't comment they are unfriendly. They may be in awe of you and uncertain of extending their hand in friendship. I know I was that way with some blogs I had read.

Rowan said...

People are all different, some need to be constantly surrounded by others, some like you, are perfectly happy with their own company most of the time. I'm that way too, I have four friends who go back 30 plus years and a couple of more recent ones, but really I enjoy being on my own a lot of the time. I have a lot of interests and stuff going on in my head, I'm in my own little world a lot of the time:). I don't get bored, life is too full of interesting things - sounds as though you are pretty much the same. I often think I'm as I am because I was an only child so had to entertain myself a lot of the time. Maybe you were too?

Kim Campbell said...

I agree with what everyone has said. I too have a lot of blogger friends. Always available, always accessable no matter the time.

I love to be by myself, too. I enjoy my own company. My best friend, other than the gals in cyberworld, are my fiance and his daughter, soon to be mine.

I feel I communicate better in written word than speaking. I have a job where I am on the phone a LOT! Sometimes, it is nice to just "be" and be still.

I try and post when I discover a new blog, either right then and there or within a day or so of discovering it.

Some blogs move me enough that I have to read all the posts. To me it is like reading a book at the end of a series instead of starting at the beginning.

So that is what I am doing this week-end miss*R!

You have a wonderful way of expressing yourself in the written word and visually. I am proud to add you to my list of friends!

OK-enough sappiness! lol!
Merry Mote!